Best SEO companies in Winnipeg based on our score

SEO is an easy to access trade, no certificates or regulations required to start an SEO business, our mission at is helping businesses to find the best SEO company in their area using a scoring system that we built based on performance metrics like, traffic, ranking, reviews and years in business. The list below includes the best SEO companies in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada .

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The Promotional Marketing TPM

380 Novavista Dr, Winnipeg, MB R2N 1V7, Canada

  (204) 451-6460


Net Promoter Score: 66.67

Years in business: 22

Ranking for SEO Winnipeg: -

Number referring domains: 3

Google organic traffic:

SEO Performance Score:

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About Us - The Promotional Marketing founder of The Promotional Marketing is Solomon Mengstu Iyassu who lived in Winnipeg Manitoba. He is married to Selam Isack and has two kids.

Wow ! The Promotional Marketing helped us to rank a lot of our niche product videos high on the fist page of Google, and they make some of our videos huge like in the image below and as a result we are getting ROI of $10,000 since we start to work them. This guys are amazing! Thank you TPM!

With out any exageration TPM are amazing in making effective videos for marketing, and to use customized marketing videos to get more clients with Google , Facebook and Instagram marketing.

Solomon knows his staff well to provide professional video marketing services for his clients to get results via Google, Facebook and Instagram and a friendly work environment for those who would like to join his team.

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The Promotional Marketing TPM

380 Novavista Dr, Winnipeg, MB R2N 1V7, Canada
(204) 451-6460